Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Two days in and I'm exhausted.  I just want to come home and go to bed every day.  The thought of dinner, lunches, breakfast, baths, clothes ready, etc. is enough to do me in.

But my class had a good first full day today.  Lucy still loves Middle School.  Toby is doing well, and Amelia is busy doing "homework".

Sam's training this week is going well, with lots of food available, which always makes it a good training for him.

I bought a DD coffee on Sunday and saved the cup.  I've used that cup Monday and Tuesday with my Keurig coffee and it's been pretty good.  Turns out I'm all about the cup...

Tomorrow Toby and I have dentist appointments after school and Lucy has a party at the library.  Sounds exhausting already.

I just hovered over something on my email and it says I can send and request money through my email.  Bizarre.

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