Monday, July 21, 2014

Newport Kite Festival

Last weekend we went to the Newport Kite Festival.  Newport is an area that I've always wanted to visit more often.  After our visit, I still wanted to return but I know why we don't.  It's 1.5 hours from our house and the traffic was awful.  It might be a good place to spend the night so you could do some exploring each day and not have to feel like you were spending so much time driving.

We loved our visit though.  Kites, ocean, rocks, and a trip to Fairwoods (with Dad!) on the way home.

The one-legged sea gull.  We decided he was sent to garner sympathy.  We gave him a whole sandwich and he was full.

Amelia dived fearlessly off the platform.

Our first pick from the garden and Lucy has discovered she loves zucchini.  She's going to have plenty to eat.

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