Thursday, June 23, 2016


Saturday we went to a cookout at my parents, after Toby finished fencing and Sam put a new radiator in the van.  Sunday, Sam and the kids climbed Mount Wachusett.  Monday I went to work for a bit.  Then we did some errands.  Tuesday, we stayed home and worked the whole afternoon on Toby's bedroom.  We thoroughly clean the bedrooms once a year.  It used to be twice, but who has time?  Toby's room is now good to go, all of his little objects (of which he has thousands) are organized.  Lucy is working on her own throughout the week, and Amelia, I'm putting off...The kids stayed up late watching movies. Sam and I watched Brooklyn, which I enjoyed.

Wednesday I worked again, Amelia had a piano lesson, Lucy had a cello lesson, and we stopped to pick up Amelia's free birthday treat from Barnes and Noble. Toby had his last hockey clinic for the summer. Lucy made dinner - Broccoli Cheddar Soup and we had Strawberry Shortcake for dessert.  The kids went to bed early.

Today I'm off to work.  We're having this for dinner - Slow Cooker Steak Chili and Amelia starts her Level 2 swimming lessons. Today is Sam's last day of school.

That's it.  You're caught up. :)  I'm enjoying summer and the flexibility of work schedules.

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