Saturday, July 11, 2015

OSV Camp

Amelia went to Old Sturbridge Village camp this week.  It's a M-F day camp from 9-3.  She missed Thursday due to her doctor appointment in Boston, but I'll save that for another post.  They give them a period costume which they wear each day while they are out and about in the Village.  They have to wear knee high plain socks, along with plain shoes, and the lunch you send has to be "authentic", nothing in packaging, and everything wrapped in wax paper, rather than plastic.  Amelia brought bread and butter, fruit, cheese, and a cookie every day.  If you send a cookie, it has to look homemade even if it is not.

Amelia had a great time, doing a variety of activities.  She made pancakes, dipped candles, hung out with the animals, painted a wooden ox, etc.  Today because it was the final day parents were invited to come to the common to watch the children learn various dances.

The pictures are from today and the links go to Amelia doing the dances.  She's in the purple dress with a white bonnet.

Dance Videos:  Dance 1   Dance 2   Dance 3

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