Sunday, January 01, 2017

Vacation Week

We have had a great vacation week.  Well, the kids and I have.  Sam has worked in Boston Monday-Thursday, but that's good for us also.


* slept in multiple days
* had our piano tuned
* played the wii for hours
* the kids read lots of books, I reserved many at the library but they didn't come in until Frday
* watched War Dogs
* went to see Fantastic Beasts
* cleaned the vacuum
* took down Christmas
* went to the dentist
* went to swimming lessons
* exchanged gifts with my aunt
* went to a Christmas party at Sam's brother's house
* drank lots of tea (Can you believe I'm a tea drinker now?)
* felted a variety of things
* put away gifts/cleaned our rooms
* played games
* went to the Ecotarium
* relaxed, relaxed, relaxed
* written thank you notes
* trimmed the rabbit's nails
* organized our games
* tried out the Instantpot I purchased in July

Lovely break, now I'm setting goals for the new year and we are gearing up for the upcoming week...
Goodbye, Christmas!


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